The International Cooperation in Planning Studio as a Pedagogical Approach

Experiences from Grenoble & Sfax





planning pedagogy, planning studio, studio abroad, Grenoble & Sfax, iinternational cooperation


In 2012, an international planning studio was organized by the Urban Planning Institute of Grenoble (France) at Sfax (Tunisia). What could have been a one-off project evolved into a long-term cooperation between French and Tunisian partners. The international cooperation in urbanism studio is now the focus of the teaching approach in both years of the Urbanism and International Cooperation master’s programme. This paper firstly considers the theoretical and practical contexts in which these studios developed. It then goes on to explore the planning concepts on which they are built. The main pedagogical characteristics are then drawn out. Finally, the lessons which can be learned from this experience and the potential for these to be applied elsewhere are evaluated.

How to Cite

Roux, J.-M. (2021). The International Cooperation in Planning Studio as a Pedagogical Approach: Experiences from Grenoble & Sfax. Transactions of the Association of European Schools of Planning, 5(2), 131–147.



Author Biography

Jean-Michel Roux, Grenoble Alpes University

Institut d'urbanisme et de géographie alpine


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